Went in to the short stay ward for a gall bladder removal. Had all the feelings of nervousness, apprehension and vulnerability connected to requiring a surgery.
Staff in the short stay unit were amazing, kind and understanding of how it must be to have these feelings, especially before a general anaesthetic. The surgeon Mr Apollo was kind and had a gentle manner.
I was very nauseous and sick after coming round from the anaesthetic and felt very well cared for overnight in the short stay unit.
A special mention to an amazing nurse called Danny who was really great at his job, definitely cared about what he was doing and how I was feeling. Sorry I didn’t get to thank him myself before he left to go home from his night shift.
I believe the care given to patients in Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary is outstanding and we have very little to complain about. Thank you very much.
"Staff in the short stay unit were amazing"
About: Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary / Day Surgery Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary Day Surgery Dumfries DG1 4AP
Posted by foxtrotps79 (as ),
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