"Community midwife care"

About: Community services

(as a service user),

During my first pregnancy the community midwife left me in tears after every appointment feeling very disappointed and like I was doing something wrong as I had gained weight. They would talk a lot about my diet, how big the bump/baby was and then point out the websites for me to gain knowledge of the rest. 

My friend recently received care through the lotus team and this is when I got very confused on the differences between her care and what mine had been previously, not once had she been spoken to like I was instead the lotus team prepared her for a safe and happy pregnancy and delivery - talking through everything to prepare her and never about that she ate or the size she was. 

So when it came to next pregnancy I was dreading the thought of being assigned the same midwife praying I’d be luckily enough to get a lotus team midwife which I wasn’t. It was the same midwife again, from my booking in appointment they commented on my weight (87kg) and told me I definitely will have gestational diabetes this pregnancy. 

(Which I didn’t when I tested!! Even though after I researched this it seems to be not weight but diet that makes this true about gestational diabetes) 

I was questioned what I eat in a day and they told me if I was telling the truth I’d only be 8 stone. 

I was in shock that a professional would speak to anyone in this manner but what made it worse I had a miscarriage only 4 months prior so they knew how anxious I was this pregnancy but instead of making this booking in appointment a celebration, I was told how I should be exercising more and causing me a great more stress. Every bit of food I ate before I had my diabetes test was met with guilt and worry that they would  be right, making me so anxious that I’d cause my baby harm if I put more weight on. 

I was only offered morning appointments one day a week and that didn’t suit me for childcare so I thought win win I could get a new midwife and not have to confront this member of staff. But the reply was as long as I had seen a consultant I didn’t need to see a community midwife as well so I’m now 37 weeks pregnant and have only been seen every 4 weeks by a consultant who has assured me the growth of my baby is fine but I have not had any advice or guidance that you would receive from a midwife. 

I’m telling this story as I don’t want another Women to be left feeling how I have this pregnancy and having a midwife who makes them feel the way I have been left.

I finally spoke out to the consultant about my experience and they have changed the community midwife so I’ll get one appointment before my baby arrives. I of course looked at the websites that my green folder has in and have tried to prepare myself as best as I can for the arrival of my baby but it would have been a much more positive experience had I had the support of a professional caring midwife throughout this pregnancy. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Rachel Chakravarti, Lead Midwife, Maternity, NHSCT last month
Rachel Chakravarti
Lead Midwife, Maternity,
Submitted on 24/01/2025 at 10:32
Published on Care Opinion at 10:32

Dear Guideeb59,

Firstly I wanted to apologise for your experience, this is below the high standard of care we provide within maternity services at the Trust. I would also like to thank you for bringing this to my attention and giving me an opportunity to deal with the concerns that you have raised. Due to the anonymous nature of care opinion it is really difficult to comment on individual care. However I would really appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you in further detail. Please see my contact details below and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Wishes,

Rachel Chakravarti

Lead Midwife

07385 946 929


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