"Failed support for neurodiverse child"

About: Children's Specialist Health Services / Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Children's Specialist Health Services / Neurodevelopmental Service (NDS) Coatbridge Locality Support Service / Health Visiting Team General practices in Lanarkshire

(as a parent/guardian),

I have been struggling with my daughter's ill health since she was a very young age -  she has multiple health issues such as allergies, asthma etc. Last year the GP eventually completed a neurodevelopmental referral due to behaviour and some traits that the GP thought could have been linked to Neuro. The referral has been accepted and my daughter has been placed on to the waiting list.

I have been continuously contacting my daughter's health visitor since October 2024 with no response. However I found out through a third party that they have been off sick, but have since returned. I have again tried to make contact with them regarding the ages and stages assessment they completed days before my daughter started school in August 2024 and Hope for autism leaflets that they provided.

The reason for requesting these was from the deputy head at my daughter's school due to referring my daughter to CAMHS. I have also asked if they can advise what she has picked up to provide the hope for autism leaflets, with no response. My daughter's school has completed a referral to CAMHS which they have now also passed the referral to the neuro team and a 3rd referral to the neuro team has been completed from the dieticians that my daughter sees.

Unfortunately this is now causing carer's breakdown as I am receiving no help nor support from any of the multi agencies regarding my daughter. My daughter is 5 years old and is self harming by punching, biting and pulling her own hair out, as well as lashing out at myself, putting holes in walls, trying to smash my car windows etc.

My GP unfortunately will not accept shared care as I was wiling to go private due to the very long waiting lists. I appreciate that everyone has an extended waiting list following on from covid, but now I am starting to worry more as the outbursts of physical violence both to myself and self harming are becoming every day.

The only place at present that is helping is the school. They have put a behaviour chart into my daughter's school diary, which both the school and I complete daily. However, the school has no issues and they have advised they are aware my daughter is masking as they have observed the difference in my daughter outside the school gates and at home. 

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Response from Suzanne Shields, North Lanarkshire Health & Social Care Partnership last month
Suzanne Shields
North Lanarkshire Health & Social Care Partnership
Submitted on 20/01/2025 at 10:53
Published on Care Opinion at 10:53

Dear Parent,

I am sorry to read of the issues and concerns you have regarding accessing supports for your daughter.

If you would like to contact me directly on 01698 687490 and I will look into your daughter's case.

Best regards,

Suzanne Shields

Clinical Manager

Neurodevelopmental Service

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Response from Jennifer Montgomery, Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate, NHS Lanarkshire last month
Jennifer Montgomery
Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate,
NHS Lanarkshire

Operational Lead for Care Opinion in NHS Lanarkshire

Submitted on 21/01/2025 at 16:50
Published on Care Opinion at 16:50

picture of Jennifer Montgomery

Dear xsturqx,

Thank you for sharing your experience of your GP practice.

I am pleased that the GP has done the referral for your daughter and I hope that with Sharon's help you can get further information and support soon.

GP surgeries are independent contractors and as such, are not registered to respond on Care Opinion but are responsible for investigating any feedback or concerns about their service. Please could I invite you to contact the practice manager if you wish to discuss this further.

Kind Regards,


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Response from Natalie Kearney, Health Visiting Team Leader, Coatbridge Locality, NHSL 3 weeks ago
Natalie Kearney
Health Visiting Team Leader, Coatbridge Locality,
Submitted on 24/02/2025 at 15:36
Published on Care Opinion at 15:36

Hi @xsturgx,

So sorry to hear this.

Please contact me to discuss on 01698754724.

Kind regards,

Natalie Kearney

Health Visitor team leader

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