We were directed to the childrens' ED at East Surrey by our GP who was concerned about a possible medical emergency. The GP called ahead to the ED and we arrived roughly an hour later. After a robust assessment in the ED by various consultants who were meticulous in ruling out an emergency, we were sent home and rebooked for an ultrasound the following day.
The care we experienced on both days from start to finish - in the children's ED, Urology, Radiology and the Children's Assessment Unit - was exceptional. Every member of staff who met with us was obviously very aware that my son would be apprehensive and overwhelmed, as well as being in pain, and they were patient, empathetic and at every stage reassured him that he was in control. The entire process was efficient and as comfortable as possible.
He so easily could have come out of the experience with a reluctance to attend hospital in the future, but this is not the case. He is unphased knowing he will need follow up treatment in the near future and I am so grateful to every member of staff - from volunteers and random staff in the corridor who gave directions, to the nurses, doctors and consultants - whose professionalism and kindness made this the case.
"The entire process was efficient"
About: East Surrey Hospital / Accident and emergency East Surrey Hospital Accident and emergency RH1 5RH East Surrey Hospital / Paediatrics East Surrey Hospital Paediatrics RH1 5RH East Surrey Hospital / Radiology East Surrey Hospital Radiology RH1 5RH East Surrey Hospital / Urology East Surrey Hospital Urology RH1 5RH
Posted by jailud15 (as ),
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