"ER chaos, but wonderful staff"

About: Scottish Ambulance Service / Emergency Ambulance University Hospital Monklands / Emergency Department University Hospital Monklands / Medical Assessment Unit

(as the patient),

I had severe chest pain at 9pm. I took GTN twice and followed guidance given by cardiologist I see. At 9.30 I felt worse and my husband called 999 that evening. My husband called hourly until 3am, when two very kind paramedics arrived. They reassured me and said ECG wasn’t normal and I should go to ER. They said all depts were busy in Lanarkshire and I should go to Monklands. 

After initial tests I was placed in a corridor with no one saying how long it may be that I would be there. I lay from 5am till at least 9am. I had no blanket or pillow and I had to ask for one.

I was so embarrassed as staff were walking past continuously, and then as the day went on members of public too, the corridor used was the main thoroughfare right at the entrance, there were at least 6 on trolleys and some more people in chairs. 

A lovely nurse did apologise then I was taken to a room. I was told I would need to see a medic after being assessed by a specialist Dr at around 1pm.

After managing a couple of hours sleep on a trolley, I was asked to move to a corridor. I wasn’t pleased but what else could I do, the place was like a war zone, it was horrendous. 

I was then placed on a chair with again nothing to cover me and I only had pyjamas. My husband came up and was horrified and upset to see me anxious and worried. I was told I may have unstable angina.

There were families grieving , patients very very sick, all right at the main entrance, there was no dignity, and it was a complete fire hazard.

After the nurse changed area, no one reassured me, no one came and saw me, I was so scared and embarrassed. 

Every couple of hours I asked for an update. I was told I was being admitted, then I wasn’t. I honestly felt they wanted rid of me because my troponin was OK. 

Eventually around 8pm, I was saved by a lovely medic who had booked a cupboard to assess me in, and when it had been taken they then found a trolley top of unit. I felt worse than when I came in due to being in a corridor for 19 hours now. 

I eventually got a bed in MAU and the medic said I would stay in for more tests. I was relieved, I now felt safer and in good hands.

My husband arrived with some food and overnight bag and then a consultant came in and saw me. They said I didn’t need to stay, I said I still have chest pain and would rather stay. I was told they will repeat ECG and trop t and I can go home 

As they were ok I was sent home at 11pm. I didn’t agree, but I went 

They agreed an angiogram was needed and I should wait for this. 

The medic and nurse I saw in A&E should be commended, but I feel the situation is untenable for patients and staff, and they cannot wait until a new hospital is built, they need more space, as I believe the A&E isn’t fit for purpose. 

I would recommend a cardiology triage area, as so many people come in with chest pain, if ECG and bloods could be done in emergency primary care centres this would be help A&E. 

I would love to speak to a senior member of staff about my journey. 

Thank you 

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Response from Marie Kennedy, Patient Experience Manager, Corporate Affairs, Scottish Ambulance Service 2 months ago
Marie Kennedy
Patient Experience Manager, Corporate Affairs,
Scottish Ambulance Service
Submitted on 17/01/2025 at 13:39
Published on Care Opinion at 13:40

picture of Marie Kennedy

Dear Clarabelle,

Many thanks for taking the time to share your feedback here on CareOpinion. I note that your feedback relates to a number of different NHS services. I am writing on behalf of the Scottish Ambulance Service. I am so sorry to read about your recent ill health and that you had to wait so long for an ambulance. This must have been a very scary and stressful experience and I do hope that you are feeling better now and are making a swift recovery. I am pleased to hear that you felt reassured by the paramedic staff, they treated you with kindness and provided helpful advice.

If you wish I can pass on the feedback to the crews directly. To do so we would need to know the date, time and address that the Ambulance attended and your name. This information can be sent to sas.feedback@nhs.scot for the team to pick up. If you do decide to do this, would you be so kind as to make reference to your CareOpinion username so that the team can easily locate your story and share it with the crew.

I wish you all the very best and thanks again.

Kind Regards


Patient Experience Manager

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Response from Jennifer Montgomery, Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate, NHS Lanarkshire last month
Jennifer Montgomery
Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate,
NHS Lanarkshire

Operational Lead for Care Opinion in NHS Lanarkshire

Submitted on 21/01/2025 at 17:11
Published on Care Opinion at 17:11

picture of Jennifer Montgomery

Dear Clarabelle,

Thank you for sharing your experience of University Hospital Monklands, Emergency Department.

I am so sorry to hear that you were unwell and needed to attend hospital. I am sorry to hear that you had to wait in the corridor and that there was no privacy or dignity. I am glad, however, that you found some staff to be comforting, supportive and that they looked after you well.

While I have escalated this to the management team within University Hospital Monklands, can I please ask you to contact the Patient Affairs team so they can understand all the issues in more detail, and get back to you personally.


Tel no 01698 752300

I hope you are recovering well.

Best Wishes,


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Claire Fenwick, Service Manager, Medicine, NHS Lanarkshire last month
Claire Fenwick
Service Manager, Medicine,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 22/01/2025 at 16:07
Published on Care Opinion at 16:07

picture of Claire Fenwick

Dear Clarabelle,

Thank you for sharing your story and I am so sorry for the difficult time and the poor experience you had. As colleagues have alluded to we have had an extremely busy period within our ED in recent months and I am sorry for the journey you had on your recent admission as we have not delivered care in the way we normally would.

I am more than happy to speak to you directly to hear your story in more detail and to see what we could do to learn from your experience and avoid this happening to other patients.

I can be contacted via the UHM Switchboard on ext 40374 if you wanted to discuss further.

I do hope you are recovering well at home and look forward to hearing from you,

Kind Regards


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