"Prostate Cancer"
About: The Lanarkshire Beatson University Hospital Monklands / Urology (Ward 6) University Hospital Monklands / Radiology University Hospital Wishaw / Outpatients Adult Health & Support Services / Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey South Lanarkshire Scottish Ambulance Service / Emergency Ambulance Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre / Acute Assessment Oncology Unit General practices in Lanarkshire Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Urology (Ward 11c)
Who has Care Opinion told about this story?
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 1 told -
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 19 told 6 read responded -
NHS Lanarkshire 36 told 10 read responded -
NHS National Services Scotland 1 told -
Scottish Ambulance Service 31 told 3 read responded -
South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Forum 2 told -
South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Partnership 4 told 3 read responded