I was referred to the bladder and bowel service after returning from hospital after I had been recovering from a stroke and continued to to be urinary incontinent. After seeing the urology team I had a diagnoses of a irritable bladder, very uncomfortable, my pelvic floor was also very weak.
The main conclusions to begin with were pelvic floor exercises and using incontinence pads, not a good conclusion. I was pointed to an app that nhs provide for pelvic floor exercises this was a load of rubbish. So decided to look into other options. One of my friends pointed out a pelvic floor app that I could buy, it was easy to use and with in 12 weeks my situation had more or less changed.
Why o why can't the incontinence services point women to these types of treatment
Now I'm happy to go out to lunch with my girl friends and have part of my life back.
Yes I did have knowledge of how the nhs works I was an ex employee and I was probably more aware of resources that could be available to me. Yes the staff were trying to do their best with limited resources and I know what a difficult situation they work under .
I will say they were always ready to listen and I thank them for this. Thank goodness we have an nhs.
"Bladder and bowel services"
About: Community Services - North Devon / Bladder & Bowel Care Community Services - North Devon Bladder & Bowel Care Exeter EX2 5DW Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (Wonford) / Urology Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (Wonford) Urology EX2 5DW
Posted by elephantpp63 (as ),
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