"Forever grateful for your support and guidance"

About: Inclusion Recovery Hampshire / No Wrong Door

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

I would like to thank Georgia for working with me over the past months. I’ve found the course so very helpful in helping me manage emotions and grow in confidence.

I had been living in what I can now identify as a very abusive relationship where my mental health suffered terribly and over a period of 3.5 years of being fed constant negatives about myself and experiencing violence at times. I had lost all sense of self esteem and belief in myself. I had also lost hope and would wake every day dreading what the day may hold for me and wondering whether I’d get through it without experiencing crippling panic attacks and agoraphobia. I lived for bedtime when I could take a sleeping tablet and be at peace after clawing my way through every hour of wake barely surviving. I was at absolute rock bottom when we first met. I could see no way out and had completely lost myself. If it weren’t for my  children and the fact that I’m their only parent, I’d have checked out permanently months before.

With her empathetic ear and approachable manner, Georgia soon gained my trust and for the first time I felt able to start to disclose the huge burdens of home life that I had been carrying alone for so long. She made me feel heard, understood and safe - something that I had not felt in forever. Through the sessions and homework tasks I started to take back some control of my life. Understanding where the deeply negative feelings were coming from and why I was experiencing them made them more rational and less scary. Gradually I learned how to manage the extreme emotions that were a daily occurrence and had affected me increasingly badly over the years whilst living under the circumstances I was, I then understood that these emotions were natural and, more importantly, I had the strategies to stop running away from them and the ability to sit with them without being consumed.

Gradually over the sessions and with practice each day my confidence and resilience started to slowly re-emerge in me and I was able to feel that I could rekindle in myself the strong, independent mum that I had been previously who had guided and navigated herself and her amazing children through untold amounts of trauma I had found some hope that the future could be different and over time I dreaded each day a little less and started to enjoy life again.

Understanding for the first time where the source of the problems in my life were resonating from and being able to talk about this and to receive reassurance that everything perhaps wasn’t all my fault (when for an age I had been putting a front on to literally everyone trying to mask a miserable existence) finally gave me the strength to break free. Despite it being a turbulent time or me, I can honestly say I haven’t wobbled once. I’ve tackled every difficult moment head on using the skills and techniques I’ve learned from working with Georgia and I can honestly say that, for the first time in forever, I am genuinely excited for the future. This has not only benefitted me but of course my amazing children who have once again the strong and happy mum they need and deserve.

So whilst it will never feel like enough, I want to say thank you so much to Georgia - for believing in me during a time that I couldn’t believe in myself; for giving me hope and belief that things could be different and for guiding me through the skills and strategies that will last me a lifetime and have allowed me to take back control of my life. Forever grateful x

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Chris Cunnane, Service Lead, No wrong door, Recovery Hampshire, Inclusion 5 days ago
Chris Cunnane
Service Lead, No wrong door, Recovery Hampshire,
Submitted on 12/03/2025 at 11:39
Published on Care Opinion at 11:39

Thank you so much for taking the time to give such amazing feedback.

You have clearly survived some extremely challenging times, and to hear that you have overcome these and are making a new life for yourself and your children is fantastic to hear.

We are here to try to help people make positive changes in their lives, and hearing about what you have achieved with Georgia’s support makes coming in to work a more worthwhile experience for all of us.

I will, of course, pass on your thoughts to Georgia and the Team, but the main person to congratulate is you – you’ve done a tremendous piece of work on yourself, and long may you and your family continue to benefit from this.

Once again, many thanks

Chris Cunanne

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