"Lovely midwife"

About: Maternity care / Labour suite maternity

(as a service user),

I ended up being transferred from my planned home birth to labour suite via mat assessment due to needing pain relief that couldn't be provided at home due to being in early labour. 

The decision was made (reluctantly by myself) to go for a section. I was transferred to labour ward where I had Hattie as my midwife. She was so welcoming, calm and reassuring from the second I came in. I was in a lot of pain and probably not the easiest patient 😅 but she was wonderful. She kept us informed all the time and always asked for my consent before doing things. Including at one point, amongst my waters breaking, a show, bleeding and me shouting for pain relief, Hattie was going to administer antibiotics and I stated I did not want these, she immediately accepted my decision and took them away. 

My surgeon Vicki, was incredible. Even though we had decided to go for the section, she calmly sat and explained all my options and made sure I was making an informed decision. Totally respecting my autonomy and giving me time to think about each decision. She also asked and looked at my birth plan and assured me she would follow it completely. 

Chrissy the anesthetist was the same. Discussing all options and possibilities and totally respecting my choices. 

In theatre, ready to begin, the surgeon realised I had progressed very quickly and actually gave me the option to reverse the spinal and go back to the ward for a vaginal birth. This was a very overwhelming decision to make and I was quite stressed about it. The staff were so patient and supportive. This was so amazing of Vicki the surgeon to give me that decision as so many would have just went ahead at this point. A true person centered health care professional. 

I decided to go ahead with the section and even then, my wonderful midwife Hattie double checked with me that I was happy with that decision as she knew I had expressed how disappointed I was about having to go for a section when on the ward. Again, truly person centered and acting as my advocate throughout my care. 

Staff in theatre - Angela and David - were so friendly and kind and talked to me throughout always letting me know what was going to happen. 

The anesthetist Chrissy was incredible. She stayed my head the whole time keeping me informed. I ended up having a PPH of 1600mls which was very scary and my husband commented that Chrissy was the one in control throughout, telling staff what to do and helping surgeons manage it. In the end, Dr Richmond was called from home to assist and after 2 hours I was done. 

A scary experience but very competent incredible staff. Hattie looked after me again in HDU before handing over to Katie who was also lovely. 

The surgeon and anesthetist came to see me in HDU and the postnatal ward to discuss everything that happened and keep me informed. I really appreciated how amazing their care was. 

As someone hoping for a home birth due to a previous awful birthing experience, I have to say the staff and care  was amazing, despite the difficulties I faced (section and pph). 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Tracy Orr, Lead Midwife, Princess Royal Maternity, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde last month
Tracy Orr
Lead Midwife, Princess Royal Maternity,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 16/02/2025 at 12:52
Published on Care Opinion at 12:52

Dear Weeveganmum,

Congratulations on the birth of you new baby. Your labour and birth journey was clearly eventful and must have been difficult and stressful for you at times. I am glad to hear that you received the compassionate, supportive care you required to make your own informed decisions. I will share your story with the wider team involved but make sure Hattie receives a personal thanks. Best Wishes,

Tracy Orr

Lead Midwife

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