I had a bunion straightened on both feet in 2011. My right foot was great but the wound on.my left foot never healed. This was the start of a 14 year journey of 12 operations, infection, pain, constant antibiotics and a partial foot amputation. During these years I had two 6 week stays fir IV antibiotics for Oestomyliyis.
I had numerous PIC lines, canula and visits to and from the local Hospital Diversion Team where I live. I was admitted by ambulance four times with Sepsis and was gravely ill.
Last Christmas my Consultant and myself talked about lower leg amputation. I had spoken to a former amputee and she helped me see that there might be hope at the end of all the pain and sickness.
I went for my operation in April 2024 and honestly have never looked back. It was the best and most difficult decision I ever had to make. I put in a great deal of time doing the exercises after my amputation and it only took 5 days for my rehab.
I traveled every day and worked hard at adjusting to my leg. I found my first leg the most difficult to understand and thought when I received my first leg I would just get up and get on with life. I honestly took me a few weeks to work out the liner, socks etc but once I understood how to work with my leg I haven't had any bother since. Yes, I sometimes get pain and pressure spots from my prosthesis. Lucy is always at hand to adjust my liner or make me a new socket.
The rehab team, the physios and Lucy have bent over backwards to help me. I am totally grateful for everything they have done for me to allow me to go out and lead basically a pain free life. I ride horses, I garden, I climb.ladders and paint. I walk my dogs, I go out socially and life has never been better. I put my leg on at 7am and I could have it on to 11pm at night.
I could have given up and become disabled but I never think of myself as that. There is nothing I cannot do if I put my mind to it. I cannot express my gratitude enough to the who team and to the doctors in care of me who adjust medication if and when I need it.
I actually love my leg and enjoy being fitted with a smaller and smaller socket each time I need one. I am on number four now and I can choose the colors and design I need.
Lucy my protatist always has time for me and goes above and beyond to help become comfortable and normal as possible. She is patient and very kind and really understands her job. I feel very confident that no matter what problem I have with fitting that Lucy can solve it.
I forgot to say that my husband owns a very successful dog grooming salon and if I want to I can dip in and out of it at any time. I enjoy the freedom from antibiotics and am grateful Sepsis is a thing of the past. Do I get down about this...no...not ever. I know it takes a bit longer to get ready in the morning and if I am going out socially it takes forward planning but that is nothing compared to before. I haven't had an antibiotic since the amputation and have greatly reduced painkillers and anti inflammatory medications.
Life is great. It takes a positive mind set, a great team behind you. A wonderful husband and family and most importantly an amazing God who has been with me every step of the way.
"My lower left leg amputation"
About: Regional Disablement Service Regional Disablement Service Belfast BT9 7JB
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