"My experience of the service has vastly deteriorated"

About: Adult Mental Health Community / City Central Local Mental Health Team (LMHT)

(as a service user),

I've been under the care of the mental health team for depression for a number of years now. The last year or so (since a specific clinician left) my experience of the service has vastly deteriorated.

As I'm not actively suicidal, I'm offered appointments every 3 months, even though I am still struggling with day to day life. There is no further attempt to find a treatment that would help me.

When I tried to enroll on a private study on new anti-depression treatments, I felt the Dr was not helpful. I sent all of the study information over to them as requested, and they got it confused with an NHS study and wasted both my time and that of other professionals in the NHS trying to get details on a non-existent study, when they had all of the information needed. When I asked for their assistance in safely lowering the dose of my antidepressants so that I could participate in the study they said they weren't sure that was something they could do and would have to get back to me. I haven't heard anything back from them.

On the subject of records, the records sent to my GP regarding my care under the adult mental health team are so bad that a) I had to do a full access to information request to understand what medication I have been prescribed and when and b) when I needed an emergency prescription (because the one from the adult mental health team didn't arrive for 6 days) no out of hours doctors would prescribe me my medication because my records with my GP weren't up to date.

I will say that my experience with the admin team and medical secretaries has been good, they are kind and professional. Other than that, I have felt utterly left out in the cold by the service, like they have given up on me. I am struggling and I feel as though I have no one to turn to. The crisis phone line is 50/50 as to whether you'll get someone that will help or make things worse (I once rang in tears and was asked if I thought I might be making more of a big deal out of this than it was) and even if you do get someone helpful, all they can do is talk to you until you calm down (or refer you to the hospital if you were a danger to yourself).

In short, this service has been on it's knees for a while and now, in my opinion, it is no longer fit for purpose. I don't blame the individuals there, I blame lack of resources (staff and money).

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