I started talking therapy with EMDR in Doncaster and I was enjoying the therapy, but when I was at my most vulnerable in the therapy and opened my feelings to the therapist, the therapist left and cancelled our appointments. I feel very open and the therapy was supposed to continue to the end because it was to make me open up and get to the bottom of my feelings, but because the therapy was cut short it left me in a very vulnerable place and I feel abandoned and unable to trust any therapist again.
Because the EMDR wasn't finished, I was having worse flashbacks and fainting attacks. I am worse now than when I started, and would not recommend starting EMDR unless you can get to the end of therapy and to build trust. Opening up to a stranger is very difficult, then to have the receptionist or another therapist ring and tell you that you can continue with a different therapist is a major issue with me, as I don't trust people and it has knocked my whole experience back 2 years with the PTSD and agoraphobia.
This experience has greatly effected my home life and I have not been the same in a very bad way. I have had over 100 fainting attacks in 1 day and ended up in hospital and at the time feeling like was going to die. The NHS workers can apologise for my treatment but sorry does not solve the pain and suffering it has caused me and my family. And because I am not having anymore therapy they have sent me a letter telling me that they have informed my GP that is all.
I haven't had a diagnosis on paper or and explanation what is now happening in my mind and why I am having these fainting attacks. I have been hospitalised 4 to 5 times and the hospital don't know what is happening to me - they think it might be stress but are unsure and told me to see my GP, but I can't leave my house because of the PTSD and agoraphobia. I have made several appointments to see the GP but can't make it because my body and mind are not ready to leave the house to go out the front gate.
"I got diagnosed with PTSD and agoraphobia"
About: Talking Therapies Doncaster Talking Therapies Doncaster Doncaster DN4 6ED https://talkingtherapies.rdash.nhs.uk/about-nhs-doncaster-talking-therapies/
Posted by controllerxs77 (as ),
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