My son, in his 40's, called 999 at seven in the morning. He had excruciating pain in his left arm going into his chest, paramedics took 25 minutes to arrive and tried, unsuccessfully, seven times to do a heart reading. They took my son to SMH and left him sitting on a chair in the waiting room. The paramedics parting words were that he was a mystery.
He sat there for an hour and twenty minutes and then a reading and blood tests were taken. My son told the nurse/doctor that he was in a lot of pain. An hour later he was given a co-codamol. After approximately two hours my son was taken into a room and sat a on a recliner type of chair. He asked for more painkillers and 20 to 30 minutes later a doctor came in asked questions and said they would contact Wycombe cardiology department.
Around 30 minutes later the doctor said they were sending my son to Wycombe or Harefield. 30 mins later the paramedics arrived and blue lighted my son to Harefield where the team were waiting to operate, Two stents were put in. One artery being 100% blocked and the other 95% blocked.
My son was left slumped on a chair for hours feeling unwell and in extreme pain. He was having a heart attack. I believe this is totally unacceptable care.
"My son had a heart attack"
About: Harefield Hospital / Cardiology Harefield Hospital Cardiology UB9 6JH South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust / Emergency ambulance South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Emergency ambulance Wokingham RG40 2NN Stoke Mandeville Hospital / Accident and emergency Stoke Mandeville Hospital Accident and emergency Aylesbury HP21 8AL
Posted by Henry28 (as ),
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