Two GPs have insisted I am "very fit" and have a heart rate better than that of an elite athlete when it drops as recently low as 46bpm. They've diagnosed I have "health anxiety++".
Despite recording this, they did not make a referral for talking therapy nor offer medication.
I have not ever been offered a referral to a dietician nor advice service on the management of my diabetes in the entire 5 years since my diagnosis.
When I asked about weight loss drugs I was told to buy them myself, despite my BMI and other health conditions.
The GPs do not listen when I say my extremely low heart rate is not normal for me, they gaslight me and say I am fit. I would have to be more than half my age for my heart rate to be appropriate for an athlete.
Luckily I took the blood pressure monitor that the surgery had insisted that I buy I because the GP couldn't work the one in the surgery.
"With a BMI of 44 I do not have the body of an…"
About: Staunton Group Practice Staunton Group Practice Wood Green N22 8HE
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