Last October I spent 5 weeks as a patient on Ward 27, Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. This is a urology ward and I went there after major surgery for bladder cancer in which my bladder, surrounding organs and pelvic lymph nodes were removed. I was in quite a bad way during my initial recovery, experiencing the setbacks of infections, anaemia, a blockage in my gut and a leg which wouldn’t move properly due to a bruised nerve.
Reasons to be cheerful, one, two, three.*
No one would’ve been surprised if I’d become a bit depressed. But, I didn’t, my mood stayed pretty upbeat, and this is because of the fantastic care I received on the ward. I was looked after so well, and with such good humour, warmth and friendliness. I was treated as an individual and shown compassion and respect. I never felt rushed despite the busyness of the ward and multiple demands on the staff. All my questions were patiently answered, and staff went out of their way to find things out for me. While wishing it hadn’t been necessary, I actually found the whole process fascinating, The nurses were extremely competent and very professional and attentive. Patients need to be able to trust those looking after them, it’s vital, and in the care of the Ward 27 team I felt in safe hands.
All the aftercare services in the community were arranged on the ward and this all went to plan. And, over three months later, Ward 27 came to my rescue again supplying me with some catheters I urgently needed which weren’t available elsewhere on that day.
I would like to give special thanks to Charge Nurse Lynne for fostering such a positive ward culture, and to domestic services staff legend, Jackie for being brilliant at her job, for not letting me away with anything and for making me laugh even when it hurt!
"Such a positive ward culture"
About: General Surgery / Urology Surgery (Ward 27) General Surgery Urology Surgery (Ward 27) DD1 9SY
Posted by King Fisher (as ),
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