"Poor staff attitude"

About: Queen Margaret Hospital / Day Surgery

(as the patient),

Immersive Reader

I recently had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed under general anaesthetic, the theatre staff, anaesthetist and my nurse were absolutely brilliant.

After the surgery I had a lot of pain, locked jaw and difficulty swallowing leading to my nurse having to suction the blood from my throat for me as I was choking on it.

Unfortunately the doctor that was called to take a look at me was absolutely disgraceful. I have a morphine allergy and was twice offered morphine, I have arthritis in my neck, spine and shoulder and due to no IV meds being allowed on the recovery ward, and my inability to swallow, I hadn't had any painkillers for 5hrs.

The doctor forced my head back and jaw open and closed, and when I cried out in pain and choked on the blood and saliva, which my nurse quickly stepped in to suction, the doctor told me to stop my theatrics!

I will be making a formal written complaint about this doctor in due course.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Arlene Brown, Head of Nursing, Surgical Directorate, NHS Fife last month
Arlene Brown
Head of Nursing, Surgical Directorate,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 14/02/2025 at 01:30
Published on Care Opinion at 01:30

Immersive Reader
picture of Arlene Brown

Thank you Kerry for sharing your experience when you attended surgery for removal of your wisdom teeth.

I am disappointed and sorry to read the concerns you have raised.

I would be really grateful if you would be willing to give me the opportunity to discuss this with you further and also so I can look into these concerns.

Your feedback is important to us.

I can be contacted via email arlene.brown5@nhs.scot or you can contact me through my secretary on 01592 643355 ext 21644.

Regards Arlene

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