The IAU unit is the most mismanaged, unempathetic unit that I have experienced at the QEUH, except for the porters and a couple of doctors and nurses, the entire unit in my opinion lacks compassion or any understanding of the word 'care'.
I waited for 4 hours before they could take my blood tests. But when they called my name for blood test, I was in the rest room just in front of the reception and my husband knocked hastily and called my name and I came running out of the toilet without even dressing fully but was informed that I was too late and had to wait.
When I spoke to the receptionist after 30 mins, I asked how my name got missed and if they could tell me how long before they call my name again as I had to go pick up my autistic son who is having a bad day. This member of staff was totally inconsiderate and asked why my partner can't pick up my child. My partner can't be in two places at one time and it was dangerous for me to drive as the reason my GP asked me to go to IAU is because I fell unconscious that morning. The team in my opinion really needs some sensitive training.
I had to leave to pick up my autistic son from nursery, I spoke with the doctor who was kind enough to say that they will call me if they found anything abnormal with my results and that so far everything is looking good. This meant me signing a form saying that I had refused treatment.
Unfortunately, the doctor called me that night and I had to return to the IAU. I overheard staff referring to me as 'That lady' - I interpreted that as the lady who refused treatment and left the hospital. I was made to wait 3 and a half hours before they admitted me again.
The people who were admitted with me that night all were taken into some kind of room but I was made to sleep all night on the trolley.
With the 4 hour sleep I got on the trolley, I woke up at 5am and asked for water for which I was directed to a cooler outside the access controlled door and the member of staff couldn't even be bothered to see if I can come again through the doors. I ran after and filled a glass as the doors were closing.
I called three times for a month as they did not send my discharge report, when I told the receptionist that the admin team told me that they will speak to the doctor/nurse in charge and send the report to my GP, I was simply met with the comment that if the admin team did not call you back that means they haven't had the chance to speak to the doctor and the nurse (for 3 weeks!). I even explained to them that the consultant asked me to schedule some out patient appointments, so the reports are needed for the GP to take some decisions and again I got nothing besides the unsympathetic comments.
Throughout my time here I was met with respect from the porters, who knew how to treat people with basic respect, irrespective of their race, colour or circumstances. I felt as though I did not get this respect elsewhere.
I hope I never have to go into this unit again.
"The most mismanaged, unempathetic unit"
About: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Initial Assessment Unit Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow Initial Assessment Unit Glasgow G51 4TF
Posted by coffeesunshineme (as ),
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