"Closed all the doors to her"

About: Charleston Resource Centre

(as a service user),

I’m writing on behalf of my daughter in law who has been part of the psychiatric services for the past almost 20 years. The care she has received is not without fault. There has however been success, particularly one doctor who as part of his rotation cared for her above and beyond the usual practice. He is the only light in this sordid tale. 

She is currently cared  for through the Charleston Centre in Paisley. Although the word care is I think not what is actually happening. Without going into details of her diagnosis she has once again been failed by the psychiatric team including psychiatrist and CPN’s. In crisis she stops her medication and withdraws form contact which I understand is a usual occurrence within that particular diagnosis. With very little follow up the CPN discharged her from their care, she is without a psychiatrist due to the lack available. She had contacted the centre repeatedly to recommence her medication they have tried to return the call but only once or twice before closing the case. She has contacted the GP who states their hands are tied as any medication requests need to come from a psychiatrist, which she hasn’t got. She has contacted NHS 24 with no effect and also the crisis team. Again after her not answering the call they have  closed the case.

I am in no way psychiatrically trained but it would seem to me if someone is in crisis and reaching out for help there would be a more concerted effort to make contact and try and help resolve some of the issues? Those being she wants back onto her medication. She currently states she wants to harm herself. Other than locking her in the house we have no other avenue of care because the psychiatric services working out of the Charleston Centre in Paisley have closed all the doors to her. 

Can anyone help? 

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Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 3 weeks ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 21/02/2025 at 15:06
Published on Care Opinion at 15:11

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear Disgruntked service user

Thank you for getting in touch via Care Opinion. We are very sorry to read of your daughter-in-law’s experience and can appreciate your distress and frustration. We take these matters very seriously and are committed to addressing them. As Care Opinion is anonymous, can you please ask your daughter-in-law to contact Amanda Harvey, Operational Manager, Community Mental Health Services on 0141 314 4290 with her personal details to enable us to review her care and treatment.

Thank you.


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