"Long wait"

About: Fairfield General Hospital

Attended a&e after 111 insisted I get checked for suspected dvt.Appointment was booked for same day care but you have to go through accident and emergency first.on arriving at accident and emergency you are asked questions then you go to a second room and answer the same questions again and bp done.Then you wait before you can go to the same day care.Find this tedious and complete waste of time should be able to just go straight there.Get there to wait and wait some more before yet again bp and bloods.informed it could be anything from one to three hours wait.wheres it tested another world.No mention of the dvt your here for.Told to wait and wait and wait about one and a half hrs later bloods back as negative.Unfortunately the dr wanted a scan .ok no they only work Monday to Friday.not happy meaning I now have to come back the next day.The dr reassured me that it would be a booked scan and would be seen straight away at same day no long wait.Next day scan not off to good start que is massive.Get to the front to abruptly asked who’s your consultant.Havent a clue.Snapped at and told the dr hasn’t filled the form in correctly.Ringing same day but ringing out.Told to just sit there and yes wait again.Finally the scan luckily quick and results after about ten minutes.Told no clots so all good until back to same day care and the wait and wait and wait some more after I was told that I would not have to wait again.After about 45 minutes called finally I thought but no just the bp check yet again.wow think they are a bit obsessed with it.Now I’ve had enough and don’t want it done for the third time in less than eighteen hours.I know scan is back and clear so why this wait and wait and wait.Was then told it could be as long as three hours.No not a chance it’s my birthday and wasted enough of my life after a mini stroke twenty two months ago.Yet again treated badly I walked out crying frustrated and upset.Don’t know why I came made me more I’ll.

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Response from Fairfield General Hospital 3 weeks ago
Fairfield General Hospital
Submitted on 20/02/2025 at 10:17
Published on nhs.uk at 10:17

Dear Ms Turner

Thank you for taking your time to share your experience of attending the Same Day Emergency Care at Fairfield General Hospital.

We were sorry to hear that you were unhappy with their procedures, regular observation checks and the time you had to wait during your attendance.

We note that you have chosen to leave your name however in view of high number of patients that are treated at Northern Care Alliance NHS Trust, we encourage you to contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) either via 0161 778 5665 between 09:30 hours and 16:30 hours Monday to Friday or email pals@nca.nhs.uk. This will allow the PALS team to accurately identify your care episode, investigate and provide you with feedback.

In the meantime, we have escalated your post to the senior leadership team, so they are able to review your feedback.

Kind regards

The Patient Experience Team

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