I was referred by my GP for a standard blood test. I have never attended this practise before. When called for my appointment the nurse directed me to the room. They did not check or ask me why I was attending but let me know I could hang my jacket up and have a seat. I told them it was for a blood test.
I am typically someone who rarely visits the doctors and only do so if I really need to. I have a terrible fear of needles and have always avoided having my blood taken unless completely necessary. So I was already feeling extremely anxious.
I initially asked the nurse if I could have my blood drawn from my hand as I had this done a few months ago at a different GP and they said it was completely fine to do so. They did not respond to me and proceeded to get the equipment prepared to take my blood. They asked me a few questions about my job and my day.
The nurse started tying the ribbon around my upper arm which immediately made me panic as this was tied around my wrist when having it drawn from my hand at my previous appointment.
I told the nurse I would like this from my hand, to which they replied my veins were too small and my hands were too cold to do this. I advised them I had it drawn before and if we could please do this as I am not able to have it drawn from arm due to my fear. I told them I would also likely pass out and was scared of this happening. They replied this was fine if I passed out and that it’s better to do it from my arm because I will get used to it and they didn’t want to prick my hand as it would hurt. They said other patients had the same fear and are now fine.
I started to get upset as I felt I had no choice and they proceeded to try and put the needle into my arm so I started trying to pull my arm away from them. I feel as though I was starting to have a panic attack and couldn’t articulate myself. I attempted to pull my arm away a few times, they still had a hold of me and was holding the needle as if trying to put it in my arm, during this I managed to say please can we stop, I will leave if we can’t do it in my hand. I can’t have it in my arm.
The nurse didn’t check if I was alright or attempt to calm me down by stopping. They then held my hand and started rubbing the veins and said they were still too small. I said to them again, please can we at least try or I’ll need to leave, I feel like I am going to pass out. They then without warning injected my hand and said that it was working and they were able to get enough.
Once completed I felt humiliated and traumatised by what had happened. The nurse didn’t check if I was ok after drawing my blood and turned their back to me and proceeded to type on the computer. I didn’t want to come across as rude so I said goodbye and left. I was crying again and went straight to the bathroom where I had a panic attack and had to stay in there for a while to calm down before leaving.
During this whole ordeal I felt humiliated that it came to the point of me having to pull my arm out of the nurse's grasp for them to stop putting a needle in me. I understand and appreciate nurses have a hard job and have to deal with difficult patients and situations, however I was polite and respectful throughout the whole situation even though I felt so upset.
All I wanted was to have my decision respected and for the nurse to show some patience towards how I was feeling. The blood was able to be taken from my hand in the end so I cannot understand why this couldn’t have been done to begin with.
I am now in a position where I do not want to return to the GP again and am now traumatised from having to ever have blood taken again. The nurse did not display any type of consideration or empathy towards me throughout the appointment.
"Lack of consideration or empathy"
About: General practices in Greater Glasgow & Clyde General practices in Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Posted by EJC2468 (as ),
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