"I feel like I'm just another number on a page"

About: Adult mental health / Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

(as a service user),

I was supposed to be transferred directly from Hampshire crisis team to Trevillis House after escaping domestic violence and abuse.

It took weeks for them to contact me, then I had to have 2 assessments as they lost the first, after waiting several more weeks I found out they decided not to support me but stick me on a waiting list for goodness knows how long, in a mixed gender group. I told them I was not comfortable with this, and I was not offered an alternative, but on record I'm being difficult and obstructive.

I attempted suicide, have been to A&E suicidal, am still very suicidal most days. 

My GP has given up calling them after weeks and weeks of no response.

I notified them I have had no contact, they told me they left voicemails that I did not reply to.

Had they actually tried to leave a voicemail, they would have been greeted with a message instructing them to not leave a voicemail as a)my phone is decrepit so messages do not come through, and b) I have auditory processing disorder so please text or email.

I pointed this out to a member of staff who was very rude and abrupt on the phone, they told me I should just sort out my phone, I told them my ex stole all my money so I can't afford a phone, and also my provider didn't convert service in the area I'm in now so I am stuck for 2yrs in this situation.

They didn't seem to care.

Previous experience being cut off or told to call back when I am calmer, pardon? I'm calling because I'm worried that I am going to jump off a cliff, you want me to go and calm myself down before you will speak to me? There's something incredibly flawed in this surely, couldn't think of any possible devastating consequences of this approach?

So we're at a stalemate, I do not see the point in raising a complaint, I doubt it will make a jot of difference, as they have already decided I am a difficult patient.

Not to mention very disabled, in crippling pain, traumatised and living in an unsafe environment.

I feel like I'm just another number on a page.

Because I can communicate my needs well, they seem me capable, and that, I find disgusting, but unfortunately this is what I have been told by numerous mental health providers over the years.

If you can tell them what's wrong and you aren't causing anyone besides yourself harm, it seems like you are basically on your own. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Quality Lead for the Community Mental Health Teams, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust last week
Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 03/03/2025 at 15:12
Published on Care Opinion at 15:14

Thank you for taking time to share your experience and I am sorry it has not been a positive one for you. It is difficult for us to comment on individual cases without additional information but we can certainly share your feedback with the team and if you would like to discuss further you could email our Quality and Governance Team on cft.cmhqualitygovernance@nhs.net.

Response from Zoe Locke, Head of Patient Experience / Carers Lead, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust last week
Zoe Locke
Head of Patient Experience / Carers Lead,
Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 03/03/2025 at 16:08
Published on Care Opinion at 16:21

Thank you for taking the time to share such a detailed account of your experience. I am pleased to see the service have responded to your story and as they have mentioned they are happy to discuss further if you wish to do so.


The Patient Experience Team

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Abigail Barkham, Divisional Clinical Lead for Physical Health Mid and North Hampshire, Mid and North Hampshire, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust last week
Abigail Barkham
Divisional Clinical Lead for Physical Health Mid and North Hampshire, Mid and North Hampshire,
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

I am the consultant for the Mid Hampshire Urgent Community Response service. Looking after individuals at home instead of hospital when it is safe to do so.

Submitted on 04/03/2025 at 21:47
Published on Care Opinion on 05/03/2025 at 08:17

picture of Abigail Barkham

Thank you for sharing your experience and I’m sorry for how difficult this has been for you.

I have passed your story to the Crises Team at HIOW. It would be helpful to know if the HIOW service met your expectations with regard to onwards referral to Cornwalls services at Trevillis House.

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us about your experiences your voice matters.

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