At the time I was 12 weeks pregnant and I got a bump to the tummy (toddler elbow) which required me to get the anti d jab as I'm Resus negative.
I called the maternity ward as advised, they advised I go to A&E as I wasn't far enough along for them to deal with. I made my way into A&E and arrived around 1.15pm. I was put on the system and waited 1hour to be triaged. I explained I didn't need triage, that the gynae doc would come down, assess me and give the jab. They done their triage anyway which was fine. Around 1 hour later I was called in for bloods to be done and a cannula put in my arm. I asked why I was getting that and the nurse said in case I needed fluids. Not usually what happens but went along with it. Called in a while later by 2 gynae doctors. They wanted to scan my belly to make sure all was ok, couldn't get a room or a scanner in A&E. The 3 of us walked around aimlessly until one of the consultants in A&E helped the ladies out. Got the scan done at 4.45pm, doc said she was happy for me to be discharged after the jab was complete.
I thought I couldn't be far away from getting the jab at this point. Went back to the waiting area until 5.30pm the porter came and took me to the maternity ward waiting area. I thought the jab must be on its way. Nothing to eat since 1pm I was starving. I then had more bloods taken because the bloods taken in A&E aren't what the lab look for. Cannula was removed because there was no need for it. Bloods were sent to the lab and 1 of the midwives told me the canteen was still open if I wanted something to eat. Got there just in time at 6.30pm. 1st food since I came in. I was told at 7pm I'd have around another 30 mins to wait on the jab. I waited and was told a few more times it was on its way. At 9pm I complained to one of the midwives, I was there from after 1pm and waiting on the jab, was told hours ago it was on its way and was told it had arrived around 8.30 I was fed up waiting at that stage. She spoke to the doctor who shortly after brought me in and administered the jab. She hadn't realised how long I had been waiting.
I've never complained about services in the SWAH before but as someone who has been in for the Anti d jab a number of times I'm fed up of the staff not knowing the process, of having pointless bloods taken to have to get more taken and having to wait a whole day on 1 injection. Its exhausting for someone who's pregnant sitting there and not able to move to get something to eat for fear of missing an update. The whole process needs looked at.
The A&E staff need to be trained on what to do for the anti d jab as in my experience they don't know. They need to know what bloods to take and the gynae doc's need to bring you up to maternity to scan and not waste everyone's time walking round for 40 mins looking for a scanner. Its a disgrace that I have to do this every time I need the jab (3 times recently). Some of the maternity staff don't even seem to know the process as I've had to tell them typically what happened when I was in previously. Please train your staff on this process and fix what is clearly a broken process.
"Anti-D jab process"
About: South West Acute Hospital / Early Pregnancy Clinic South West Acute Hospital Early Pregnancy Clinic Enniskillen BT74 6DN South West Acute Hospital / Emergency Care and Medicine Services South West Acute Hospital Emergency Care and Medicine Services Enniskillen BT74 6DN
Posted by starbk84 (as ),
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