"Caring, professional and knowledgeable"

About: DHU Healthcare CIC / NHS 111 Raj Medical Centre

(as a service user),

I felt unwell recently so I phoned 111. The staff member was very courteous, polite and professional.  I then received a call back within minutes asking if I could attend a local out of hours GP practice. I then was seen by a very caring, professional and knowledgeable doctor and she gave me health care advice and a prescription, which I collected within half an hour...I just wanted to say thank you the the NHS and how grateful I am for this service. 

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Response from Judith Brown, Patient Engagement and Experience Manager, Corporate Governance, DHU Health Care CIC 3 days ago
Judith Brown
Patient Engagement and Experience Manager, Corporate Governance,
DHU Health Care CIC
Submitted on 14/03/2025 at 00:44
Published on Care Opinion at 00:44

Good morning, KN777

Thank you for taking the time and for your positive feedback about the excellent and very prompt advice you received, and the action taken when you contacted our NHS111 service due to being unwell.

We always endeavor to provide a high level of care and the best service possible for our patients.

I am very happy to hear that you have had a good experience with our NHS111 service and hope that you are now on the road to recovery, and I wish you all the best for the future.

However, if you can we would appreciate you sharing your comments with our Clinical Governance team, with as much detail as you can (e.g., date and time) so that they might identify the member of staff within our NHS111 service who received your initial call and share your words with them. You can contact them via telephone on 0300 1000 407 9am-5pm weekdays (or leave a voicemail if you wish) or e-mail DHUL.ClinicalGovernance@nhs.net.

Best wishes,

Judith Brown

Patient Engagement and Experience Manager (DHU Health Care)

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