I contacted the practice due to serious concerns about my right knee and seeking same day appointment with GP. In November I had surgery to repair cartilage and meniscus tendon with excellent recovery except nerve damage occurred and I have no feeling in knee. My knee has suddenly become very swollen with a burning on outer aspect and pain on inner aspect. It has had some bruising but I have no feeling to touch. The burning feeling is going down my leg into my calf and ankle. Last year I had a DVT and was on anti coagulant injections post op for 2 weeks due to this.
When I called the surgery I was told call would be triaged. I was called by a member of staff who initially only gave their 1st name but when I asked stated they were a senior member of staff. They asked me to send photos, I said I could not. How can I sent photos of a sensation? Yes, it might have shown swelling, but nothing else. They said they would go back to team and someone would call.
Another call from a person who failed to properly identify themselves. This time it was a nurse saying I asked for call back and I said I asked for appointment. When I tried to explain they wanted to do a referral straight away to physio. I declined saying a physio could not diagnose these symptoms especially post surgery. They said they could but I said I wanted to see GP. So reluctantly I was given an appointment in a week's time!
I said if it got any worse I'd need to go to A&E if couldn't see a GP, and was told that was up to me. I thought the correct procedure was to see a GP , not for GP surgery to refuse an appointment stating they don't do same day appointments and tell you it's up to you if you go to put extra pressure on stretched A&E department.
In my view, this is just unacceptable. I have no idea what's gone wrong with my knee, I can't feel it so don't know if it's injured, I don't even know if there may be the potential of a clot but the GP practice thinks it's okay to wait a week to see a GP. Don't you just despair asking for help at all.
"Denied same day appointment"
About: General practices in Forth Valley General practices in Forth Valley
Posted by Amity-Rose (as ),
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