On Friday My husband went to our GP with issues with passing urine his GP contacted the on call urology registrar for advice GP did not catch his name but his advice was for my husband to go RIE and get bladder scan and put a Indwelling Catheter insitu and leave it in till to goes to his appointment in APRIL !!! That was the advice he was given. So my husband who is in his 40's has been told to get a IDC put in place and that is that. I took my husband to the RIE A&E with his letter in hand from the GP he was sent through to the portal cabin where a nurse put the instilagel in that fast it hurt hurt him they then put the catheter in right away without giving the instilagel time to numb the area hit it off his already enlarged prostate causing him more unnecessary pain! they then told my husband since it's draining you can go home handed him a bag of night bags and told if he needs another leg bag he can buy them from the pharmacy or online. With this information, I called and asked to speak to the nurse incharge as I wanted to know why
1 he was told to buy his leg bags
2 where is his catheter passport
3 who is going to be looking after the IDC
I spoke with the charge nurse who apologised for the nurses behaviour and comments about the leg bags and that they would be speaking with the nurse. The nurse also informed me A&E don't do IDC passport why ??? I was told our local District nurses will be picking up the catheter care. I called the GP when I got home. I was not happy with this at all where is the plan what and who is documenting over seeing my husbands care because leaving him with a IDC for two month has a high possibility that his muscle mass in his bladder might not function again leaving him incontinent. GP said he would email the Dr and get a plan in place.
Come Monday night we had to go to the out of hour he was in so much pain nothing was draining from the catheter I changed the bag still nothing I call 111 they adivised me to take him to Midlothian Community Hospital to see the doctor up there who called reg on call for urology but was told it was not there specialitally so send him ARU at WGH as he was in so much pain. His tummy had swollen right up again. We were seen quickly by a lovely Nurse who bladder scanned my husband and changed his catheter much better experience than the last time! the nurse then filled in his Catheter Passport. I asked if they would look to see if a plan has been made to see him but they said there is no plan nothing has been documented at all about the Friday from the registrar who the GP spoke to on Trak. the nurse kindly gave my husband the name of the doctor he needs to contact. Now I have called left messages for the urology nurse specialist team on Friday and have still not been contacted 5 days later. I Called switchboard today asked to be put through to the named doctor to be told they are a registrar and does not have a secretary but she kindly put me through to another secretary for a consultant it was after 4pm because I had just finished work. I've left a long message it is late, and maybe they would be finished. This nothing like the care I provide my patients I treat my patients as if they are my family like I would like to be treated myself and have done for 15 years but this treatment is absolutely disgusting and I never thought I'd ever put a complaint on this forum but here I am.
I'm disgusted with the lack of care and dignity my husband has received.
Urology department Dr please contact our GP.
"The lack of care and dignity my husband has received"
About: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France / Accident & Emergency Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France Accident & Emergency EH16 4SA Western General Hospital / Urology Western General Hospital Urology EH4 2XU
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Update posted by lacertaxr68 (a relative) last week
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