I’m in East London, and despite having a great day out, by the evening I was suffering excruciating reactions to food poisoning.
I live alone, and no one I know has cars. Due to the nature of my illness I was unable to leave the bathroom, and no cab would have agreed to take me.
I contacted 111. I tried to explain that I was suffering with frequent vomiting and diarrhoea, and wanted advice on what to do. Yes, I was frightened as the stomach pains were excruciating. I finally managed to impart all the relevant info, and the call handler explained she would refer me to OOH GP service. I received a call from a GP at my local hospital, I explained my predicament, that I wanted to know how I could manage my symptoms, and that I had no wish to go to hospital. GP recommended small sips of water, but that he would refer to a Dr & Paramedic OOH team.
The Dr & Paramedic OOH Team arrived at around 10pm - my symptoms hadn’t reduced. Both lovely professionals, who were concerned that “food poisoning” warranted A&E admission but gave me anti emetic medication and diarolalyte. They arranged for another OOH Team to check on me in the early hours but advised me to contact 111 asap if the abdominal pain got any worse.
At around 11.45pm, the anti emetics were not working and the pain in my abdomen had me on the floor. Truth be told, I was really frightened at this point, as I couldn’t hold any fluids down, and was really weak/dizzy.
At the beginning of this horrendous experience, the 1st 111 call handler explained that if the pain got any worse, to call back as they could bring up all of my previous details at a later point.
So around midnight, I called 111 again. I felt the call handler was aggressive in tone, lacked any empathy despite me trying to explain between vomiting that I was finding it hard to speak. I gave my DOB, address, personal details and tried to explain that 111 had dealt with me earlier. This staff member insisted on going through the entire assessment from the very beginning, in minute detail - shouting at me to put the phone to my mouth, and that I have to make an effort. Long story cut short after 15 mins I aborted the call.
30 mins later, a different call handler contacted me. Their phone manner also wasn’t in the least empathetic or helpful. They spoke to me in a loud, patronising and unfriendly manner telling me to calm down, calm down, that I have to help myself and once again insisting that the whole assessment is completed all over again. I was physically unable to conduct a conversation, was in excruciating abdominal pain, and constantly vomiting. I swore because I had soiled myself, and was shouted at, 1st Strike, 1st Strike. I aborted this call.
At 5am, I was rung by the OOH Team, I had passed out on the bathroom floor, and a very professional friendly paramedic called to check I was ok. Thankfully, I didn’t need to go to hospital, and although I’m still recovering I am incredibly grateful to that 1st 111 call handler, to the Dr’s and Paramedics for their empathy and compassion.
What upsets me is the other 111 call handlers - why so aggressive? I worked in Health all of my career - people act in strange ways when we are ill or in pain, many of us tend to be snappy, cry, wail, scream and act in ways that are out of character to our “normal” healthier selves. No, I’m not condoning patients who physically abuse or attack health professionals. But had I been taking a call from someone who was experiencing frequent spasmodic vomiting/diarrhoea, finding it difficult to speak, had started crying and swore because they had soiled themselves - I certainly wouldn’t be shouting 1st Strike, 1st Strike or Calm down, calm down in an aggressive, raised, shouty voice.
I have called 111 on numerous occasions previously, due to complex health issues, and to be fair they have been incredibly helpful. However, this wasn’t my experience on this night. I don’t know if anyone reads this or if they take any notice but this my awful experience.
"111 Call handlers aggressive and rude"
About: London Ambulance Service NHS Trust London Ambulance Service NHS Trust London SE1 8SD
Posted by HoveFly (as ),
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