My husband received a vague voicemail from a member of staff, asking me to get in touch re group work.
I called the number and a member of staff answered. I explained we had a voicemail. The member of staff then began rambling on like they were reading from a crib sheet. I tried to interrupt twice, but they just kept talking with no interest in anything, I ,(the patient) may have to say. Eventually I said May I speak now and they huffed. I then had to ask who they were and why they were calling and where from?
They said they had assessed me and I’d go onto a waiting list to attend the groups. They did not ask me any questions and they were having trouble explaining anything to me, and kept pausing and repeating.
I’m shocked to find out this person is a staff nurse who may be responsible for my care.
I was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and have so far had the most excellent care, but this has completely shattered my confidence in the Therapeutic Intervention Service.
Surely someone who is contacting a patient should know what they are doing and be clear and confident?
"An assessment for group work for newly diagnosed dementia patient"
About: Mental Health Services for Older People – Community (County) / Therapeutic Intervention Service (TIS) Mental Health Services for Older People – Community (County) Therapeutic Intervention Service (TIS) NG3 6AA
Posted by Penny Bud 57 (as ),
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