"Cancelled appointments"

About: General practices in Ayrshire & Arran

(as the patient),

Immersive Reader

I recently phoned my doctors surgery. I was given an appointment to see a doctor that morning. 

The doctor requested some blood tests to be done. 

A few days later, the bloods were taken at a separate appointment. 

The following week I received a phone call from a member of staff informing me the blood tests needed to be re-done. I asked why. The answer was I'm just the secretary. So, another appointment for blood tests was made.

I've still to have the second lot of bloods taken! The appointment has been cancelled twice by the surgery! I received another phone call, yet again cancelling my appointment! 

The reason being given is staff sickness! 

I'm finding it difficult to understand that no one else in the surgery can take a second blood sample. 

As someone who doesn't visit the doctors surgery often, my experience recently of staff members' tone & attitude has been unacceptable! The attitude has been sharp, unhelpful & I would go as far to say, rude! 

To cancel a second blood test 3 times, is not demonstrating patient care!! Again, this is unacceptable, & I feel needs challenged! 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Danielle McNaught, Business Manager, Primary and Urgent Care, NHS Ayrshire & Arran 5 days ago
Danielle McNaught
Business Manager, Primary and Urgent Care,
NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Submitted on 13/03/2025 at 15:17
Published on Care Opinion at 15:17

Immersive Reader

Dear giftxc57

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us via Care Opinion. I am very sorry to hear of the experience you have described at your GP Practice.

The Primary Care Team can liaise with your GP Practice to make them aware of your comments and feedback. To do this, please can you send an email to HSCPAdmin@east-ayrshire.gov.uk (marked for the attention of Primary Care) providing your details and the name of the GP Practice you are registered with. If you wish to remain anonymous, we can feed back your comments to the GP Practice for their awareness and learning.

I really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. I am so very sorry it has not been positive on this occasion.

Kind regards


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