"The staff were quite magnificent"

About: Specialist Therapy Services / Mid Notts Cardio-Respiratory Services

(as a service user),

I would like to say that I found this course of supervised exercises a very great help. I have found I can walk 3 times as far now than before, and I feel much better generally.

The staff at Retford were quite magnificent and helped us all get the maximum benefit from the scheme.

I would benefit from a booster course.

Thanks to everyone.

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Response from Dawn Cronin, General Manager, Specialist Nursing, Proactive and Planned Care, Community Health Services 4 days ago
Dawn Cronin
General Manager, Specialist Nursing, Proactive and Planned Care,
Community Health Services
Submitted on 11/03/2025 at 13:27
Published on Care Opinion at 13:27

Dear Bonanzayn69

Thankyou for taking the time to tell us about your care experience with the mid -notts respiratory service and the classes you attended. It is great to hear the impact this has had, and I'm sure that your improvements in walking distance will have given you greater confidence to do other things.

You have mentioned a booster course- and I will ensure that the staff receive this feedback and that you would like a booster course in the future. As we do not have your personal details on the care opinion service, please do email me on

dawn.cronin@nottshc.nhs.uk to let me know the details to pass to the team.

I am sure that the team will also share in our best wishes for your future health and wellbeing.

kind regards

Dawn Cronin

General Manager

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