I wanted to express my deep appreciation for the dbt team at woodlands resource centre, Falkirk!
I went in pretty sick and resistant to treatment ever working, I felt my symptoms were too severe and initially I went in adamant to prove them wrong that their "skills" were not gonna help me.....but over time I was pleasantly surprised that things started to improve.
I had decided if I was gonna prove them wrong I would have to try my absolute best so I had absolutely no doubt in my mind that I hadn't given it enough attention and if it was gonna work I was gonna get the absolute most out of it.
Things changed steadily and before I had even recognised myself my life was improving....I had grown close to my fellow group mates and even more close to the staff....
It was a beautiful dynamic and we all played our part in keeping it that way....it was as though the staff and patients were equal and it was a truly beautiful experience.....and even more so when a new staff member joined the team and made the mindfulness moments more interactive by bringing in bouncy balls, bubbles and balloons etc
This changed the game entirely and I truly believe this helped us all grow closer, and gave us more to explore within ourselves and experience with our group mates having more interactive mindfulness moments with each other.....
I have seen different levels of success within my time in dbt by watching my fellow group mates rise and fall, which is a natural part of therapy, and all I will say is if your gonna do this therapy, do it with your whole heart! Make it your whole life! Commit to it like a full time job and soak in all the information that you can....challenge it if u have to, ask the questions that pop in to your mind if ur feeling a certain way about a certain subject....
The more u interact with the service the more you will get from it.....be brave and talk about the difficult things with ur fellow group mates and staff, not only will you be able to explore and pick apart these thing's apart to find solutions but ur fellow group mates will also get something from the experience that relates to their lives and bonding will happen through these experiences.
It was a truly exceptional service and I would not be living life the way I am now if I hadn't been referred to it.....I went in with severe physical and mental issues, I applied these skills to all aspects of my life and I am now in a position where my physical and mental wellbeing are living in synchronicity, I take care of all of it....
Now I'm not saying I never get poorly, but with the skills I have now, i get through difficult times with grace and a positive outlook knowing that it's not gonna be forever and I will feel at my better again soon....my life has changed entirely and I'm now in education learning to be a personal trainer! Yes me!! A person that at one point was paralysed and then bedbound for yearssss!!.
My house is a whole lot more tidier than it ever was.....my physical health has drastically improved....my diet is better controlled.....I make space for fun....going out on my bike....going to the gym....dancing in the kitchen and playing xbox without feeling guilty about it! And so much more!!
I have achieved this because I had a great team who believed in me and worked with me! I dedicated myself entirely to this service and gave it my all! I invested in myself and it paid off and continues to pay in abundance!! I cannot thank the team enough! And believe the more open and interactive staff are with their patients the better the service will be and the more your patients will get from the service! If any dbt teams need a little direction or inspiration to make their service feel a little less clinical contact Woodlands resource centre Falkirk!
The team are fantastic and are so dedicated to their work!! And if you are a patient going in to dbt, I wish you the best of luck! There is no joke in the dbt mantra!! You can truly build a life worth living!! ✨️
"It was a truly beautiful experience"
About: Falkirk Community Hospital / Woodlands Resource Centre Falkirk Community Hospital Woodlands Resource Centre FK1 5QE
Posted by Lisa2112 (as ),
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