I had simply top level care while an inpatient in Psychiatric intensive care & Elm ward, Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospitals.
Clinical excellence in terms of all the doctors, nurses and social workers on the ward.
I am forever grateful for the respect & kindness you showed myself, My husband and my son.
There was always a friendly chat & spotless environment. Special mention to my buddy Valerie in the support services and team.
The night staff including Nuala, Anne & Daire were always on hand for support no matter what time!
Too many doctors and excellent nurses to mention, you know who you are.
Thanks so much
"I had simply top level care"
About: Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital / Elm Ward Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital Elm Ward Omagh BT79 0NS Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital / Lime Ward Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital Lime Ward Omagh BT79 0NS
Posted by Cazza D (as ),
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