"Care at home for the elderly"

About: Hyde Nursing Home Tameside General Hospital / Older people's healthcare

(as a staff member),

Immersive Reader

This story has been posted by Healthwatch Tameside on behalf of a member of the public who asked not to have their name published. They said…

Their 93 year old neighbour lives with his wife who is also in her 90s. She has been his chief carer for many years in order for them to remain in their own home. Some limited help from carers during the day. Husband almost unable to walk. He fell at home on New Year's Eve and admitted to Tameside Hospital. Apparently no attempt was made to mobilise him and no treatment seemed to be given. Now in Hyde Nursing Home and some aids and adaptations have been offered to help when he returns home. Neighbour feels much more help should have been given years ago.

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Response from Lindsay Stewart, Deputy Director of Nursing, Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust 10 years ago
Lindsay Stewart
Deputy Director of Nursing,
Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 24/03/2014 at 10:47
Published on Care Opinion at 12:55

Immersive Reader

Thank you for your comments; it is difficult to give specific answers without more detail.

If any members of the family or neighbours require more information or support around services relating to aids, equipment, contact numbers of social or health care personnel or require specific advice around hospital discharge services, can they contact Clare Williams Head of Patient flow on Tel: 0161 922 5177.

Clare works with, in hospital & out of hospital teams to support complex patient discharges and I am sure she will be of assistance to you.

Kind regards

John Goodenough

Director of Nursing

‘’Would you like to help the hospital to improve its services further? We are currently looking for patients and carers to become involved in a development called “Patient Stories”. We want to know more about our services from the point of view of those who received them – what was good, bad, what could be improved, what should be changed. Want to know more about what’s involved? Please contact John Goodenough, Director of Nursing

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