"Sure Starts feedback forms"

About: Sure Start Centres

(as a parent/guardian),

I attend a number of parent and toddler groups run by surestart and every few months we are asked to fill in a pink leaflet.

The leaflet contains information about you then you are asked to rate different things about the service. The leaflet seems to be well suited to if you have just completed a hospital visit but completely irrelevant to a parent and toddler group. There is a comment box but it still doesn't really suit the purpose.

The leaflets are given out and are collected in at the end of the session, which means you can't really give honest feedback anonymously.

I understand the need to collect feedback and that data needs to be comparable to other areas of the nhs but I feel and other parents I have spoken to feel that the feedback form that is currently in use is irrelevant to this setting and one should be introduced that is more fit for purpose in this area. As the majority of data that you will get back will be that the options are not applicable.

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Response from Karon Foulkes, General Manager, Children and Young People, Health Partnerships 11 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Karon Foulkes
General Manager, Children and Young People,
Health Partnerships
Submitted on 14/03/2014 at 14:19
Published on Care Opinion at 15:19

picture of Karon Foulkes

Dear Parent of a toddler

Thank you very much for your comments on the pink leaflet. I am the general manager for the service at a Countywide level.

We are always seeking ways to improve how we seek views of parents and children. Currently we use a range of tool such as smiley face cards with children, comment cards in the corridors of centres with a post box and advertising patient opinion. We want to expand the use of Facebook, use of iPads and video to capture feedback.

As you say the form is quite health focused. That is because Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust lead on the Sure Start Children Centres in the County and have to measure some aspects of service quality consistently across the Trust. You can see some the reports it produces by looking at the public website http://feedback.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/. The reports and comments are reviewed monthly to determine if any action needs to be taken and the trends in terms of quality.

However it has been recognised that the form is not the best way of asking about services in Sure Start Children Centres and is to be revised soon. I will let you know when this change happens.

With regard to your comments about the form completion being done in groups I will ask for a change straight away and get staff to hand out the forms but ask a box is left on exit of the building or somewhere away from a group for them to be posted in anonymously.

I will keep you updated.

Kind Regards

Karon Foulkes

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