"Mums treatment of Septicaemia"

About: Royal Alexandra Hospital / Trauma & orthopaedics (wards 21-23)

(as a relative),

My mum was admitted to Intensive Care in April after an emergency life saving operation just after she was diagnosed with septicaemia.

My family were told that there was only a 30% chance that she would get through the operation, so we were thrilled when we received the phone call saying she had survived. My family were asked to come up to the Intensive Care Unit to talk to the doctors about her situation and to give my mum a visit.

We arrived at the hospital terrified of what we were going to hear. A nurse placed us into the relatives room until the doctor was ready to see us. A nurse came along about 20 minutes after and gave us a simple breakdown of my mums situation by saying she was a very very sick woman.

About half an hour after we arrived and nurse came along and said that two of us could go and see my mum. My dad and myself headed into see her.

We walked into the room to see her hooked to many machines and looking extremely sick and so close to death. I was beyond terrified. However, during this time my mums nurse continued to reassure us by saying how all these machines were necessary and to try talking to her.

Around 2 hours after we arrived at the hospital the doctor finally came to see us. He described my mums situation extremely well and answered questions we had to the best of his ability. He explained that she would be lucky to survive the next 48 hours but they will do everything they can for her.

The next day she received another operation to help clear the source of the infection. She returned just as sick as she was before but they cleared the majority of the infection. Once again, a doctor spoke to my family and kept us well up to date with her situation.

Amazingly, after all the caring the doctors and nurses gave my mum she pulled through after spending a week in ICU. I can't thank the ICU staff enough because without them, my mum wouldn't be here today. I'll always be thankful for what they done even when they thought there was no chance of my mum making it. Thank you for being so kind to my family and helping us out as much as you could. I'll never forget it, thank you so so much!

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Response from Paul Cannon, Head of Administration, Acute Services Division, Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS 10 years ago
Paul Cannon
Head of Administration, Acute Services Division,
Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS
Submitted on 15/05/2014 at 10:24
Published on Care Opinion at 11:32

Dear sfx0

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to provide your very kind feedback.

I will ensure your comments are passed on to those individuals involved in your mother's care and I am sure they will be delighted to read your comments.

Once again thank you for using the Patient Opinion website, it is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

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