Thankyou so much for your email. You have addressed all my concerns and I do feel so much happier.
All that now remains is for the Carers to do their job! I will contact them about the wrong long tubed Day Bags.
Last Thursday they failed to change the day bag and I rang to speak to the evening carer for her to change the day and night time bag. I also asked that the change was recorded on the 'Carers Log' plus dates written on the bags. .
Working as a teacher in the education system I saw repeatedly, new policies introduced, without them being thought through. In the NHS I know its the same. Those on the chalk face are left to sort it. As you will understand I have every sympathy, but my concerns are purely for my dear Mum.
Thankyou again, so much, its a pity the policy and control wasn't left as it was - with the District Nurses. The system was working so well.
I am so grateful to you for your care and help, towards the management of my mother's care at home.
"I am so grateful to you for your care and help"
About: Community Nursing Services / Ashfield Community Nursing Community Nursing Services Ashfield Community Nursing
Posted by Annrz4 (as ),
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