"My Dad was in Mayday before Christmas"

About: Croydon University Hospital / Older people's healthcare

(as a relative),

Immersive Reader

My Dad was in Mayday before Christmas and suffered really bad bedsores which the hospital are still looking into.

My mum and dad have both had care recently in the hospital mostly good care. Dad came in to Wandle 1 from recovery in A&E. Dad did get moved around and there was a lack of information from them about where he had gone to. I have just had an initial good conversation with the Dr on the ward about Dads care.

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Response from Graham Richardson, Deputy Manager, PALS and Complaints, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust 10 years ago
Graham Richardson
Deputy Manager, PALS and Complaints,
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Submitted on 15/10/2014 at 13:44
Published on Care Opinion at 15:57

Immersive Reader

I am sorry to learn that your parents have had mixed experiences over the last year, but pleased that you were able to receive good communication from the ward doctor and that the level of care was mostly good.

Our Wandle wards have undergone significant refurbishment this year, with an emphasis on the needs of patients with dementia or confusion, and I have passed on your feedback to the ward matrons. You also mentioned that the Trust was looking into the cause of your father's bedsores from an admission last year and if this has not been resolved, please contact our PALS office, on 020 8401 3210 or at pals@croydonhealth.nhs.uk, with the details and we will happily check on progress for you.

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Response from Estelene Klaasen, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust 10 years ago
We have made a change
Estelene Klaasen
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Submitted on 15/10/2014 at 17:39
Published on Care Opinion at 19:24

Immersive Reader

We are very sorry to hear that your father acquired bad pressure sores. As part of the Trust@s Pressure ulcer pathway all pressure sores are reported and investigated to find out what the root causes are. The staff also inform patients and their next of kin about the investigation as part of the Trust's "Being Open" policy. The staff also assess the need for them to complete a safeguarding referral. Feel free to contact the matron for the area via switchboard for an update on the outcome of the investigation.

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