"Feeling frustrated at reception staff in GP practice"

About: Lanarkshire Community Services

(as the patient),

Immersive Reader

I recently attended my GP for an appointment I had made the previous week. On arrival I checked in at the desk and sat in waiting area as I was asked to do. After waiting for over an hour I again spoke to staff at desk who informed me that, as I had not been clicked in, I would not be able to see the doctor. They were unhelpful and continually repeated that I hadn't been clicked in, implying this was my fault and refusing to acknowledge their own error. I have a young child and work so being able to arrange an appointment where I am off work and have some childcare for my daughter can prove difficult at tines. I think this is unacceptable and now have to wait another week for appointment.

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Response from Laura Jack, Service Manager, Specialist Children's Health Services Unit (SCSHU) inc. Paediatric & CAMHS, NHS Lanarkshire 10 years ago
Laura Jack
Service Manager, Specialist Children's Health Services Unit (SCSHU) inc. Paediatric & CAMHS,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 27/10/2014 at 14:35
Published on Care Opinion at 15:35

Immersive Reader
picture of Laura Jack

Dear xemma,

Thanks for your message and I was really sorry to read about your experience.

General Practitioners are independant contractors, providing NHS services to families in the community. As such they are responsible for investigating and responding directly about any concerns raised about their services. You can do this by contacting the Practice Manager to let him/her know about your experience.

However if you feel you would like some support and assistance to do this you could contact the Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) at your local citizens advice bureau. Contact details for your local office can be found via www.cas.org.uk

If you would like to discuss this further please give me a call on 01698 858 292 or via laura.bryan@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk

Many thanks


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