"Newspapers within wards"

About: Queen Margaret Hospital / Trauma & orthopaedics

(as a relative),

My Mother has been an in-patient on the medical rehabilitation ward within Queen Margaret Hospital in Dunfermline for the past 4weeks with no discharge plan discussed as yet.

As an 81 year old woman she would read the newspaper daily at home so when she was transferred to this ward I asked if she could access a newspaper from a trolley service- the staff informed me that since the hospital now had so few patients due to the upgrade of VHK there no longer was a trolley service and hadn't been for 2 years.

They agreed with me that generally older patients would/do read newspapers but it wasn't profitable in their opinion for a service for patients in QMH and this they felt was the reason it didn't happen. I suggested that if patients were being rehabilitated a newspaper would keep them informed of events outside the bay they were sitting in and help orientate them to dates and time passing. The nearest place to buy a paper is at a local shop out with the hospital.

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Response from Louise Ewing, Clinical Service Manager, Older Adult Services, Health & Social Care Partnership Fife Wide 10 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Louise Ewing
Clinical Service Manager, Older Adult Services,
Health & Social Care Partnership Fife Wide
Submitted on 11/02/2015 at 15:04
Published on Care Opinion at 15:57

picture of Louise Ewing

Dear Sensible thinker

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, there has to be a way round this and I am now on a mission to find out how and sort it! Whilst I try to do that, do you want to contact me directly to tell me which ward your mother is in so that we can take immediate action to resolve the issue for her?

I am going to be brave and state that we are planning a change as I agree whole heartedly with your comments.


Louise Ewing

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Response from Louise Ewing, Clinical Service Manager, Older Adult Services, Health & Social Care Partnership Fife Wide 10 years ago
We have made a change
Louise Ewing
Clinical Service Manager, Older Adult Services,
Health & Social Care Partnership Fife Wide
Submitted on 26/02/2015 at 18:20
Published on Care Opinion at 19:46

picture of Louise Ewing

Dear Sensible thinkerI am delighted to be able to get back to you and say that, thanks to you, today we started a trolley service around the wards of Queen Margaret Hospital! We have some great photos which I am desperate to share; however the technicalities are proving difficult at this end, but we will get some posted soon.The trolley service will provide newspapers and other items which we are sure will be warmly welcomed by the patients and staff.I am grateful for the support of the RVS, our fabulous volunteers and the others who worked behind the scenes (you know who you are) to get this sorted quickly. Great teamwork and a real demonstration of what can be achieved.Grateful thanks to you for stopping us in our tracks and challenging the status quo.I am off on holiday with a spring in my step....Salude!LouiseThe new trolley service at Queen Margaret Hospital

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