Can't believe what a shambles the booking of appointments is at The Rheumatology Clinic (& probably others !) Attended with my 85 yr old mother for her twice yearly Calcium injection. Had an appointment in May and when got there was told it was too early for her to have the injection and to come back in July (despite the department sending the appt in the first place) They sent an appt for 1st July and we attended again to be told the appointment had been made with the Consultant and not the very nice member of staff who gives the injection. They explained and apologised profusely for the chaos (not only us but many patients every week !!) I was furious and my mother who has Vascular and Alzheimer's Dementia was very upset - and confused. They said we were to come back again in the next few days. After explaining how upsetting it is to Mum to come to the hospital anyway - causing my Dad many sleepless nights with her mithering the Consultant arranged for us to have the injection done in OPD ward so we had to wait another hour for that. I did suggest that if they now this is happening on a daily basis they should introduce a system of phoning patients who they know beforehand have wrong appointments and tell them not to attend and make a correct appointment! I know that is what I would arrange for my staff to do if I ran the clinic thus saving patient anguish and Consultant and Nurses precious time running round the hospital with prescriptions etc. (I trained at this hospital - SRN) The Consultant said they bring this dreadful system up at every meeting they have and things don't improve. Also this wastes my GP's practice nurses time as before every appointment Mum has to have a blood test which is a waste of time as not valid for the next "wrong" appt ! Will be cancelling her Breast Clinic appt for July as she has a Mammogram booked in August and am not turning up to be told she has to come back again for the results of that! Get yourselves sorted out..........couldn't arrange a proverbial "do" in a Brewery
"Shambles - couldn't arrange a proverbial "do" in a..."
About: Manor Hospital Manor Hospital Walsall WS2 9PS
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