Had a TVT mesh tape inserted in 2005 for stress incontinence, this returned 6 months after insertion, started to get high liver readings from 2008, onwards, feet started to ache or inflammation, unable to stand for long. Seen GP who sent me to physio then after no change to podiatry clinic over the course of a few years, given arch supports with different excersises for my feet, no improvement, started to get spots, boils, abscess under my arm pits and abdominal region, give antibiotics and creams, no success, sent to dermatologist given medical scrub wash and creams take antibiotics when severe, suffered this for years with no explanation in why I was getting them. Body started to suffer severely with severe aches in my muscles and joints, fatigue, memory loss, poor concentration, feeling ill, headaches, Astmah attacks getting worse, 5 a day, LFT, s getting higher, unable to sleep day or night due to the pains, feet deformed, sent for X-rays, offered injections to ease the pains in my feet, until one day my head was ready to explode, mental health issues, turns out my LFT, S are dangerously high, I could die. Find a website that mentions the side effects from the TVT mesh tape, not one GP, doctor or nurse has ever heard of the TVT or the side effects it can cause, told it's all in my head, no help from the medical profession anywhere, loosing my mind, my own daughters thought its me I am having a mental breakdown, thank goodness word is getting out via forums on the Internet, Facebook Twitter the daily mail, Sky news BBC news for us men and women who are suffering with no help from the medical profession I since learn only a translibal scan can detect this tape, 99% of the medical profession don't know what a translibal scan is including my own GP, s and it's happening all over the country too, I was lucky enough to be helped by these Internet sites to give me good advice in where to get this TVT mesh tape out of me that I since learn was detached and put in the wrong place, I was also eventually diagnosed with Fybromyalgia and inflammatory arthritis in my feet, since the removal of the TVT mesh tape in January this year my health has since returned back to normally including my LFT, S, not enough is being done to help other mesh suffers. I think only 2 surgeons in this country can get them out. They are in Harley Street London. This TVT tape I have since learnt is designed to never come back out again, I was not told any of this or no research has been done to show that it does effect our bodies long term after me suffering ill health for 9 years, I am the living proof that this TVT tape is dangerous and needs to bed investigated and banned for good, I now suffer worse than before with stress incontince and await further surgery to correct this. Please educate all medical professionals including all GP, s etc
"Detached TVT MESH TAPE"
About: John Radcliffe Hospital John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford OX3 9DU
Posted by BmB50 (as ),
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