My Dad's COPD was being successfully managed by his Doctor's, Chest Nurse, myself and my brother. 3 inhalers, regular check ups, review of medication. He had frequent chest infections managed by antibiotics and, occasionally, steroids.
He became slightly ill with minor pain in his right side, a little hoarseness, and tiredness. At the age of 95 the latter was not unusual.
There was nothing significant to worry him, or us.
He went to bed on night in June. My brother found him dead in bed early the following morning.
This was a shock.
An autopsy/scan revealed Pneumonia as the primary cause of death.
It was only then that we were advised that, with COPD, Pneumonia was a stronger possibility. There was never any advice about the symptoms to look out for. No leaflets available. If we had been alert/alerted to the significance of the pain in his side we may have taken action.
All "ifs and buts" but we believe that the publicity regarding Pneumonia, a major cause of death in the elderly, is inadequate. The advice/warnings non-existant.
Why is this?
Dad had had a Pneomonia vaccination some years ago but apparently there is no top-up. Why is that?
A shock to us all and a very sad time.
He was 95 but with the mental capacity of a 40 year old, and the fitness of a 70 year old.
He passed away before his time.
There should be a campaign, advice, leaflets alerting the elderly and their relatives about the symptoms of this evil disease!
"My Dad's death from Pneumonia"
About: South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw
Posted by Wise Old Owl (as ),
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Update posted by Wise Old Owl (a relative) 9 years ago