"Praise for ward 56 QEUH"

About: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Elderly Medicine (Wards 51, 52, 54,55, 57, 8a & 2a)

(as a relative),

My elderly relative was a patient in ward 56 for over a month. I can't say enough about the wonderful staff in this ward.

Always smiling and cheery. Patient care was fantastic.

The only complaint I have is about other relatives. Rude is one word that springs to mind, they spoke to all the staff as if they were dirt on their shoes. I even heard a relative calling the staff slaves!

Also visiting time. I thought the 2 visitors to each bed rule was still in place? Well obviously not as sometimes there was no chairs for visitors because some patients had 6 visitors round them!

Again, nothing but praise for ward 56 staff who work short-staffed. Night shift only 4 or 5 staff on! Dayshift 6 or 7.

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Response from Lorna Fairlie, Patient Experience, Public Involvement Project Manager, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9 years ago
Lorna Fairlie
Patient Experience, Public Involvement Project Manager,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

I work in a small team in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde which seeks to involve patients and carers in the work of the NHS. The biggest part of my role is in managing feedback projects across the Board area, one of which is Patient Opinion. It is my job to give our patients and carers the opportunity to give us feedback, and to make sure that this is passed to the right people to help us improve the services we provide.

Submitted on 19/08/2015 at 17:26
Published on Care Opinion at 19:44

It is so nice to be able to read and pass on such lovely feedback about this ward. There have been two really positive stories shared about this ward in the last two days so they are clearly getting something very right!

You have highlighted one of the same points as the other poster, about how smiley and friendly the staff on this ward are. It is clear that this creates a cheerful and warm atmosphere in the ward which is very beneficial to both patients and their loved ones.

It is a shame however that there were some problems with other visitors, and in particular that the staff - who clearly work very hard to take care of their friends or relatives - are being talked to in such a way. We would expect all staff to treat anyone in their ward/ department with dignity and respect, and equally we would expect our staff to be treated with the same amount of respect. It is a shame that this didn't seem to be the case when you visited your relative.

We know that having loved ones visit is so beneficial for our patients, as being in hospital can be a difficult time where that extra support is really valued. There does however need to be a balance so that other visitors, and indeed patients themselves, are not too disturbed. Nursing staff do try to monitor this as much as possible, and any specific issues should be brought to the attention of the nurse in charge at the time.

Overall, I am glad that the experience you had was a positive one, and I will be pleased to pass on your kind comments to the ward staff.

Best Wishes,


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