My elderly friend, whom I have supported for several years in the Community, was admitted to Ward 12, Monklands Hospital with a minor infection.
She already had a care package in place,
Eventually, after two weeks, I wrote to her Consultant to attempt to expedite matters. This is an edited version, to protect identities.
No answer was received, and I find this discourteous in the extreme. My telephone number, which was enclosed with my correspondence, had been given to the Nursing Staff.
In the letter I wrote that your patient is begging to leave the hospital – if for nothing else, to be reunited with her dog. I also shared a plan for how I could accommodate both. The one question the patient asked me yesterday was: “When is somebody going to ask me what I want? ”
The patient herself, when asked about the care stated the following:
Courtesy is lacking - especially at meal times:
There is an officious attitude.
Nobody she came into contact with seems to care a great deal.
She is now at home, where staff have to work 24-hour shifts. I have seen no discharge plan. Nobody from the hospital has been in touch.
I wonder how she was assessed for such long hours. She is most unhappy. What happened to the "Our Voice"? What happened to person centred care.
"Maintaining Independence"
About: University Hospital Monklands / General Medicine (Wards 2,10,12 and 17) University Hospital Monklands General Medicine (Wards 2,10,12 and 17) ML6 0JS
Posted by Pioneer (as ),
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