"No continuing care"

About: Claire House / Ashton & Golborne CMHT (Adults)

(as the patient),

I think the lack of patient care verges on negligence.

Every time you call you speak to a different person and every time your assured some one will return your call they litrally NEVER do. When you as the patient are FORCED to ring back usually it's too late and the doctors have gone home thus not being able to deal with medication concerns. Prescriptions not given out for adequate time in between appointments. Correspondence letters regarding medication and recent visits ( visits upto three months even ) not sent to GP conceqently running out of medication. No continuing care, no consistency, attitude of certain nurses, personal derogotary remarks made, attitude of administration! Only One sectary responsible for every psychiatrist based at Ince. Words can't explain how bad an experience I've had at Clare House! Advised to abruptly stop antidepressants! Took 10 days to get seen when I was seriously ill! Gp sent me A and E due to Ince making me wait a month for a medication review when I was saying I felt suicidal! Verges on contacting PALS and lodging formal complaint. MY experience with Clare House has contributed massively to deterioration in mental state. Oh and been waiting 18 months had no therapy yet. I think the CQC need sending in.

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Response from North West Boroughs Healthcare Trust Complaints Department, Complaints, PALS & Compliments Officer, North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 8 years ago
North West Boroughs Healthcare Trust Complaints Department
Complaints, PALS & Compliments Officer,
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 08/04/2016 at 11:17
Published on Care Opinion at 11:33

I am sorry to hear that you feel that you have been let down by our services. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss your concerns in more detail, and hopefully we can learn from your experiences in trying to improve our services. If you feel this is something you would like to do, please could you contact me on the number below.

If we can offer any further help or support please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards

Katherine Earlam - PALS officer

01925 664450

Response from North West Boroughs Healthcare Trust Complaints Department, Complaints, PALS & Compliments Officer, North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 8 years ago
North West Boroughs Healthcare Trust Complaints Department
Complaints, PALS & Compliments Officer,
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 11/04/2016 at 11:02
Published on Care Opinion at 13:26

Many thanks for your post. I am sorry that you have experienced problems with your care at Claire House. If you would like to contact me to discuss these concerns further, so that I can discuss them with the relevant team and learn from your experiences, please feel free to do so on the number below.

The trust has recently received a CQC inspection and the results are widely available for you to access upon the internet if you would like to see the inspection report.

Best Regards

Jeanette Mather, Matron for Quality (living Life Well services)

Telephone 01942 482239

Update posted by Dire strates (the patient)

The CQC results are pinned on on the waiting area at Clare House and are not an accurate reflection of many patients experiences .

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