"Breastfeeding support"

About: Aberdeen Maternity Hospital / Obstetrics (Maternity care)

(as the patient),

After the birth of my son I experienced difficulties with breastfeeding. This was as a result of a tongue-tie. My midwives suggested that I remain in hospital after the birth for a few days so that I could get some help getting my baby to latch. They were brilliant and very supportive - Fiona, Moira and Olivia.

While on the ward I was put in touch with the breastfeeding support team. Both Anne-Marie and Louise were fantastic. They came to visit me in the ward, watched me feed, made some suggestions. They also recognised that my son had a tongue-tie. They made a referral for him to have this snipped in order to make latching easier and to enable me to breast feed.

I really did find the support very helpful, especially at a time when I was feeling emotional and stressed. I really wanted to be able to breastfeed and with the help of the lovely ladies above, I am now able to do this. I hope that if other women are experiencing difficulties with feeding that they will ask to speak to this service and get the help and support they need.

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Response from Linda Oldroyd, Chief Nurse for Surgery, NHS Grampian 8 years ago
Linda Oldroyd
Chief Nurse for Surgery,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 07/10/2016 at 21:08
Published on Care Opinion on 10/10/2016 at 11:26

picture of Linda Oldroyd

Dear LittleOwl

Firstly, let me congratulate you on the birth of your wee boy!

Thank you so much for sharing your story on Patient Opinion. Fiona, Moira, Olivia, Anne-Marie and Louise will be delighted to know what a difference they made to the lives of you and your son. We will make sure that they are made aware of your feedback.

Other people reading your story will be reassured in knowing that help is out there and accessible. I include some contact numbers for others seeking help below:

For Breatfeeding help please contact:

• Your local midwife or health visitor - for breastfeeding advice and information on local support groups.

• Grampian Infant Feeding Team (Monday-Friday) Aberdeen Maternity Hospital Tel: 01224 551973

• Elgin Infant Feeding Team, Dr Gray's Hospital, Tel: 01343 567531

• Peterhead Maternity Unit, Tel: 01779 482445

• Breastfeed Grampian - our Facebook page

• The Breastfeeding Peer Support Project - local volunteers offer mother to mother support and information in group or 1-2-1 settings Tel: 07780 793 600

• BRAG - Breastfeeding Reassurance & Awareness Group (Elgin) Tel: 01343 567531

Many thanks and good luck with the feeding!

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