Staying at Westerlands was a new experience for me. I find it very illuminating being with others with the same condition as myself and who are willing to share and talk about the problems we have. Talking about them helps to solve them. I have made new friends while being here and it has eased my own problem of sharing this difficult condition that I have.
The reception room (office) is rather small.
Waiting time
I think the building is well looked after. I feel it is being attended to.
Finding your way
It is well organised but sometimes I need to ask, which is good for me as i need to talk and share my problems with others.
Excellent. I have never found it dirty or smelly and there is always sufficient supplies of toilet papers.
Perfectly clean.
The food is good; it's Scottish, wholesome and varied. I was a Home Economics teacher and find that the quality of food is up to standard and sufficient.
My bedroom is great and more than up to standard
Personal belongings
There is plenty of natural light coming in to the building.
I have no complaints regarding the heating. I always feel comfortable.
Things to do
I have never felt bored.
Other patients
Keeping in touch
I can use the telephone in the office at any time. I'm not sure if I have done this before.
Access to outdoors
It is a beautiful place.
Staff attitude
I think they are extremely helpful and attentive. All I need to do is ask. They do not grumble between themselves. The staff are happy to oblige.
Staff skills
I have not found a fault. I can see how hard they are trying.
Daily living support
Seeing the whole me
My tablets are presented to me. I do not need to search for them.
I have not felt left out by not knowing people. I have been introduced to all of the staff here and nothing has been neglected.
Being listened to
I am appreciative.
If I require an explanation I have every confidence that i shall receive it.
Involved in decisions
I only want to be involved where necessary. I don't want to feel like I have a formal job.
Being given time
Care staff
All the staff are very accommodating and are very helpful. I can't criticise anything.
I feel 100% happy. I will let you know if i find a fault.
Other staff
I can't criticise anyone at the moment and hope it continues. They look happy.
I appreciate that my visitors are always welcome.
See more responses from Rod Lauder