"Excellent needle exchange at Ashley House"

About: Ashley House / Substance Misuse Service

(as a service user),

Just wanted to say that Ashley House provides an excellent needle exchange alongside the outreach. They now provide some new kit; it’s all compact in like a glasses case and really really discreet. They’re also providing “one hit kits” you’ve got everything in a little sterile pack. Complete tackle! How good is that!?

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Response from Steve Eastwood, Joint Commissioning Manager, Halton DAT 13 years ago
Steve Eastwood
Joint Commissioning Manager,
Halton DAT
Submitted on 26/05/2011 at 10:13
Published on Care Opinion at 11:29

thank you for the postive comments about the needle exchange.

we're very keen to make sure that everyone who ises the Exchange gets the right kind of equipment so that you can stay as safe as possilbe.

if you've got ideas as to what we should be able to do better. or there's equipment that you think we could supply - let us know

thanks again


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Response from Philip Gibson, Team Manager, Community Drugs Team 13 years ago
We have made a change
Philip Gibson
Team Manager,
Community Drugs Team
Submitted on 27/05/2011 at 09:09
Published on Care Opinion at 12:50

Thank you for your posting which I have shared with both the outreach team and the health promotion nurse.

As Steve has said we want to encourage service users to give us their views on the type of equipment we are supplying,for example we have service user representation at the Ashley House harm reduction forum and as he suggests if you have any ideas about equipment please let us know.

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Response from Addaction 13 years ago
Submitted on 06/06/2011 at 09:19
Published on Care Opinion on 07/06/2011 at 13:16

thank you for your feedback

So glad that you found the homeless wallet useful. Hope you have secured a permanent housing tenancy, staff at Ashley House are always willing to support you around all your issues.

Outreach team

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