"What is the point of Patient Opinion?"

About: Ashley House Patient Opinion

(as a service user),

I have just been reading the "opinions" and I can see that 90% of the good ones (about Ashley House) have been done by the people running the groups and then they are edited by the people you are expressing an opinion about.

So its not really a good picture of what is happening within Ashley House (I know all of this to be true, as I know the people who have done it.)

Also I have noticed that there are only a few bad ones. Again I know for a fact that there should be more, as I have sat next to and have helped people use the computer to be able to send them.

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Response from James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion 13 years ago
James Munro
Chief executive,
Care Opinion

I lead the Care Opinion team, with a focus on research, education and health care policy

Submitted on 11/11/2011 at 12:56
Published on Care Opinion at 12:57

picture of James Munro

Hi there "the voice of truth".

Thanks for posting your comment. I'm one of the team which runs the web site at Patient Opinion.

While I can't comment on how things work at Ashley House, I wanted to reassure you on two points you mention:

1: Once a story is sent to Patient Opinion, whether on the web, by post or by phone, it can't be edited by staff at Ashley House or anywhere else.

2: Patient Opinion publishes all stories which meet our moderation policy, whether or not they are positive or negative. You'll be glad to hear that we have published every story we have received about Ashley House so far.

I hope that goes some way to reassuring you that both positive and negative comments are published, once they reach us.

All the best

James Munro

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Response from Steve Eastwood, Joint Commissioning Manager, Halton DAT 13 years ago
Steve Eastwood
Joint Commissioning Manager,
Halton DAT
Submitted on 14/11/2011 at 09:35
Published on Care Opinion at 10:54

Hi 'the voice of truth'

As one of the people who helps to run Ashley House, I too would like to reassure you that we are keen to hear points of view on the service from as many people as possible - both good and bad.

But as well as telling us what you don't like about the service we'd also welcome your ideas as to how we could make improvements. Let's make the use of Patient Opinion as postive and constructive as we can.

thanks again


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Response from Philip Gibson, Team Manager, Ashley House 13 years ago
Philip Gibson
Team Manager,
Ashley House
Submitted on 18/11/2011 at 12:41
Published on Care Opinion at 15:57

Thank you for your comments.

I hope the responses from Patient Opinion and the Commissioning Manager have answered the points you raised.

I would also like to reassure you that all postings made about Ashley House are useful to us including those that are critical as it is examining these that can often help us improve what we are doing.

We also try to encourage as many people as possible to use the Patient Opinion site, as customer feedback is very important to us.

It is taking some time, for which I apologise, but I can confirm that we are going to have a computer installed in the reception area, so this will make it even easier to send comments.

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