"excellent service from Dunoon Paramedics"
About: Scottish Ambulance Service
Who has Care Opinion told about this story?
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 4 told 1 read -
NHS Education for Scotland 1 told -
NHS Highland 19 told 6 read -
NHS National Services Scotland 1 told -
Office of Brendan O'Hara, MP for Argyll and Bute 1 told 1 read -
Office of Donald Cameron, MSP for Highlands & Islands 1 told -
Office of Edward Mountain, MSP for Highlands & Islands 1 told -
Office of Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands 1 told -
Plymouth University, Faculty of Health and Human Sciences 1 told -
Scottish Ambulance Service 51 told 7 read responded -
Scottish Government 4 told -
The ALLIANCE 1 told