Usually we do not have to wait more than half an hour or so for our appointments in outpatients. Yesterday patients (including me) were waiting one and a half hours. During my wait a nurse came out to tell us that one (out of eight) consultant was running an hour and a half late, but gave no reason. Nothing else was said.
Most patients know and accept that things happen that interrupt the flow, and that consultants get called away for emergencies now and then. But please, explain to the patients regularly, like every 15 minutes. Treat us with respect and we will respond well. And happy patients are healthier patients!
Equally, when patients wait so long they tend not to ask or say as much as they would like or need to for fear of making queues worse. So please find ways of avoiding long waits.
"Waiting times in outpatients"
About: Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital Oswestry SY10 7AG
Posted by Geoae7 (as ),
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